
Even if Germany shuts down its last nuclear power plants, ignoring science and the majority of voters: Our nuclear power plants are reactivatable and can provide clean electricity for many decades to come! They remain our best option to slow down climate change and maintain our prosperity.

So join us for our demo on Saturday, April 15, 2023, 2 p.m., in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate (west side, towards Tiergarten)!

We celebrate nuclear power because it is being ramped up worldwide and is supported by a large majority even in Germany. And why is that? Because nothing else supplies energy so cleanly, cheaply and reliably.


We celebrate nuclear power

The character of our demo is cheerful, we are optimistic, and we also have achievements to celebrate. We have explained the stretch-out operation to the Greens, made the impossible possible, broken up the taboo of the nuclear power debate, and turned an anti-nuclear majority into a pro-nuclear majority. German reactors have set standards in international nuclear technology. With good music, our own songs, an inflatable nuclear power plant, and many more visual delights we will have a lot of fun.

Our supporters:

Prof. Dr Klaus Steigleder, Ruhr University Bochum, Department of Applied Ethics. Klaus Steigleder has worked on nuclear energy as part of his research on climate-related energy ethics and risk ethics and has helped establish the research centre „Climate, Energy, Ethics“.

Ia Anstoot, climate activist from Sweden, was involved in the climate strike with Greta Thunberg, later with Generation Atomic and Nuclear for Climate. At the recent world climate conference COP27, she intervened when the final declaration only mentioned the expansion of renewable energies. The declaration was supplemented by the expansion of low-CO₂ energies, i.e. including nuclear power!

Prof. Szymon Malinowski, Leading climate scientist from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Head of the Institute of Geophysics at the University of Warsaw, whos work has been quoted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Zion Lights, science communicator, founder of Emergency Reactor. Zion has become a world-leading speaker on clean energy, particularly nuclear energy. She was a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion for two years.

Olguita Oudendijk, RePlanet Netherlands. She is founder of the Dutch foundation Ecomodernism, now RePlanet NL, and in this capacity played a role in the Dutch decision to build nuclear power plants.

Mark Nelson, Radiant Energy Group, USA

Prof. em. Martin Schlumpf, Switzerland, composer, author of the book „Atomkraft – Das Tabu – Brauchen wir Kernkraftwerke?“ published in 2023

Myrto Tripathi, Les Voix du Nucléaire, France

Julia Gałosz, Fota4Climate Polen, Biologist, young scientist, climate activist. Vice President of the Youth Climate Council Poland 2020-2022.

Ariel (Wanda Marchel), 14-year-old climate activist from Poland. Asperger’s autistic who loves to think about society in nature.

Sergii Kuz, 16 year old Ukrainian in Poland, active in pronuclear education; organises humanitarian aid transports and charity concerts for Ukraine.

Johan Sollid, Denmark, chairman and founder of Atomkraft Ja Tak, the Danish pro-nuclear movement. Energy and climate is his theme.

Adam Błażowski, RePlanet Alliance, Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Master of Ceremonies: Emeric Massaut, Belgium

Ia Anstoot
Prof. Klaus Steigleder
Prof. Szymon Malinowski
Zion Lights

Short Statements from:

Olguita Oudendijk
Mark Nelson
em. Prof. Martin Schlumpf
Myrto Tripathi
Sergii Kuz
Johan Sollid
Julia Gałosz

Meet & Greet with the Supporters (see photos above) and in addition:

From Germany:
Amardeo Sarma, RePlanet D-A-CH and RePlanet NGO International
Florian Blümm, Tech for Future-Blog
Rainer Klute, Chair of Nuklearia e.V.
Britta Augustin and Lisa Raß, Nuklearia Board Member and Mothers for Nuclear
Björn Peters, Head of Energy Policy, Deutscher Arbeitgeberverband e.V.
Noah Jacob Rettberg, Decouple-Podcast-Rapporteur Germany
Simeon Preuß, Physics Teacher, Youtube-Channel Simeon Preuß
Felix Letkemann, Youtube-Channel Felix Letkemann

From Germany’s neighbouring countries:
Adam Błażowski, Fota4Climate, Poland
Ola Czarnecka, Extinction Rebellion Opole, Poland
Dominik Wipplinger, Nuklearia Board Member, Austria
Emil Jacobs, Collectifission, Netherlands
Theis Palm, Atomkraft Ja Tak, Denmark

Luca Romano, L’Avvocato dell’Atomo, Italy
Salvo Trotta, Comitato Nucleare e Ragione, Italy
João Neves and Francisca Rey, RePlanet Portugal, Portugal
Paris Ortiz-Wines, Stand Up For Nuclear, USA

So: Make sure you come along and celebrate the best energy source with us! So that we have as much power as possible, also support our mailing campaign to Chancellor Scholz and share it. Your action counts!

November 2022 (with snow!): »Nuclear power instead of crisis«: Nuklearia e. V. and other pro-nuclear organizations are demonstrating at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin for nuclear energy.


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